ITANAGAR, The Longding police has claimed in a press release that the allege accuse Khunngam Pansa who was involved in the murder of Lt. Seliam Wangsa, Ex- ZPM, Nginu village in the year 2019 has been arrested on Thursday.
In a communication from Longding district police said that “in the joint operation by Longding District Police and 6th Assam Rifles in Wakka a notorious criminal SS Maj. Khunngam Pansa, NSCN-K-YA, General Secretary Wancho Region who was involved in the heinous murder of Lt. Seliam Wangsa, Ex- ZPM, Nginu village in the year 2019 has been arrested on 30/09/2021 from his hideout in connection with Wakka PS Case No. 13/2013 U/S- 10/13 UA (P) Act R/W Sec 25 (1A)/27 (2) Arms Act:.
Arms and ammunition has been seized from his possession which include a .32 Pistol with one Magzine. .32 Pistol live rounds – 2 Nos. 7. 62 live rounds – 1 No. 2 Bore Cartridge- 2 Nos.Rs. 500 (Five hundred) only. Adhaar Card [Indian]. Burmese ID Card. The Longding police said.
Further, he was also involved in various extortion cases in Longding District and harassing the civilians of Wakka area. It is a major success for the entire Police department. Claimed Longding district police.