ITANAGAR, JUNE 27 : Former Chief Minister and Sagalee MLA Nabam Tuki on Tuesday has appeal the officers and PRI leaders to prepared themselves to extend helping hand and support to the people affected due to disaster caused by monsoon and natural calamity.
Tuki was addressing a meeting of officers, officials, HoDs and PRI leaders of Sagalee administrative circle at Conference hall of Mini secretariat at Sagalee. Tuki said due to incessant rainfall recently and report of several damages of government and private property which need to be assessed by the PRI Leaders and officers of the district administration. He said.
Tuki emphasis the officers should carryout inspection to the loss damaged caused which include damaged to bridge, roads and damaged to agriculture and horticulture gardens and farms. He said.
it has been reported that the major losses has been damaged to horticulture and agriculture and requested the officer concern to prepare action plan in case of bamboo flowering so that the farmers does not face lots of problems. The loss damaged report may be submitted to sub-divisional relief committee respectively. He said.
He also ask the executing agency of TAH (Hoj-Nichipu road) to prepared themselves with man and machine in case of road blockage. He said.
The former Chief Minister further appeal the citizens to remain cautious and shift away from vulnerable place like of bank of river, below the mountain and flood prone areas as a safety measures.
Earlier Tuki alongwith officers and PRI leaders inspected damaged caused due to heavy downpour in Leporaing and Toru circle.