Manoj Singh || ITANAGAR, FEB 19 : The Chief Secretary (CS) of Arunachal Pradesh Dharmendra and Director general of police (DGP) Anand Mohan and top civil and police officers on Monday has carried out inspection to the preparation of 38th statehood day celebration at IG Park in city and passed necessary direction to the officers and officials for successful celebration of the function.
Chief secretary after properly verifying the preparation of the celebration including sitting arrangement, cleanliness activities, decoration, washrooms, toilets, VIP gallery, public gallery and others necessary items and passed on necessary direction, advise and suggestion to the DGP Anand Mohan, Secretary GA Sadhna Deori, Capital Deputy Commissioner Talo Potom and ask them to ensure all preparation upto date before the celebration so that no any problem arise during the celebration.
CS inform the media that all preparation are in final stage and all the line department are doing their assigned duty so that there is no any lapse and any obstruction are find during the celebration time. He said.
The DGP has his meeting with the top police officers and elaborate arrangement and check any law and order problems. The General administration has been monitoring and supervising all the preparation works and ensuring final touch of all the works inducing the decoration. Sitting for more than ten thousands people has been made and general public apart of VVIP, VIP, invitees and others.
Statehood day celebration is our day and everyone has to celebrate as our state Arunachal Pradesh attain the full statehood on the day and February 20 is an important day for the state and the people. Everyone is invited and they public are requested to take their seat before 1.30 PM and the formal programme will follows on. He said.
I appeal all the citizens to join the celebration at IG park on Tuesday afternoon for a successful celebration of 38th statehood day of Arunachal Pradesh and also to listen to our chief guest the Vice President of India who is arriving and will address the gathering along with the Chef governor, chief minister and Deputy chief minister will address the function. He said.
There shall be cultural function and fashion show at the same venue in late evening and people can also enjoy the cultural night with family and friends. Added Chief Secretary.
The Chief secretary also interacted with the officers of Power, PWD, forest traffic, police, IPR and other deptt and ask them to ensure all preparation for smooth celebration of state hood day at IG Park.
Itanagar SP Rohit Rajbir Singh said that elaborate security arrangement has been made across the capital complex to check and law and order issues. Security has also been deployed for the convenient of the general public on the day. The general public and guests who are visiting IG Park are requested not to bring any lethal weapon and any hazardous items with them. Some dos and don’ts has been issued and public are requested to obey the guidelines.
The Capital Traffic Police SP Dr Sachin Singhal inform that the capital traffic police has also deployed traffic police and Traffic wardens and they will be deployed in various junction to help the commuters and vehicle movement and the vehicle with Vehicle passes will be allowed to enter IG park through D Sector gate, the VVIP will enter through KIngcub public school gate, no vehicle will be allowed to park their vehicle on TT Marg right from Bank TInali to IG Park gate in lower Niti Vihar.
The pedestrian will allowed to go through C Sector Petrol pump. There are sufficient space for parking but please do not park your vehicle haphazardly to avoid inconvenience to others. The Traffic SP added.
Meanwhile, the Capital Deputy Commissioner Talo Potom has appeal the denizens of capital complex to witness the 38th statehood day celebration at IG Park and necessary arrangement for sitting has been made. He also appeal the citizens to come and join the cultural night at same venue late evening enjoy the programme.