Namsai, In a tragic mishap, a wild elephant has killed allegedly a local man Chau Jenta Mounglang (20) son of late Chau Chandra Mounglang of Momong village at Kongmukham village on the ill- fated night of 25th Dec at 2 AM while he was sleeping in his hut located behind the Golden Pagoda where the elephant came to his Hut and started breaking down the hut. When the victim tried to get out off it, the elephant caught him and torn his leg and smashed the stomach killing him on the spot. Before leaving the spot the elephant also damaged the hut.
Meanwhile, after getting the news, the Forest Division Namsai including DFO, RFO Tengapani Forest Range rushed to the spot.
An emergency meeting was also called on 27th Dec where DFO & all RFO’s of NAMSAI Forest Division have taken the decision to launch a massive search operation to locate the wild elephant. The Forest Official also advised and alerted the Villager to remain vigilant residing in the periphery of the Tengapani Range Forest and its adjoining areas.