Itanagar: In a shocking turn of events, three individuals from Kerala were discovered deceased in a room at a hotel in Ziro. The grim discovery was made after hotel staff grew concerned about their prolonged absence.
The guests, identified as Shri Naveen Thomas, his wife Lt. Devi B, and their friend Lt. Arya B Nair, had checked into the hotel on March 28th, 2024. However, they had not been seen since April 1st, prompting staff members to investigate further.
Upon entering the locked room, a harrowing scene awaited them. Lt. Arya B Nair was found lifeless on the bed, her wrist bearing the marks of self-harm. Lt. Devi B was discovered on the floor with severe injuries to her neck and wrist. Meanwhile, Lt. Naveen Thomas was found deceased in the bathroom, with a cut on his wrist.
Lt. Naveen Thomas and Lt. Devi B were confirmed to be husband and wife, adding another layer of tragedy to the incident.
Authorities, including the District Police team and forensic experts, swiftly responded to the scene, initiating an investigation and securing evidence from the room. A missing FIR registered against Lt. Arya B Nair in Trivandrum has also come to light, adding complexity to the case.
As the investigation unfolds, SP Ziro, Keni Bagra, assures that all angles will be thoroughly examined to shed light on this devastating occurrence. Post-mortem examinations are scheduled to take place, providing further insight into the circumstances surrounding the deaths.