Nyapin Constituency experienced a transformative boost as Minister for Home, Panchayat & RD, Bamang Felix, allocated a substantial sum of Rs 43.77 lakhs in bank loans to 24 Self-Help Groups (SHGs). An additional one lakh each was disbursed to 23 SHGs under the Arun Shree Rinn Yojana. The occasion also marked the official launch of 9 vehicles under the Arunachal Grameen Express Yojana for SHGs within the 19-Nyapin AC.
This financial injection unfolded during a comprehensive two-day Orientation cum Sanitization program held at Layang. Focused on Central and State Sponsored schemes under PR, Rural Department, and ArSrLM, the program was graced by Minister Felix, who is also the local MLA. He underscored the state’s commitment to fostering women’s empowerment through SHGs, acknowledging their cumulative bank holdings exceeding Rs 200 crores.
The orientation featured insightful presentations from key figures, with Minister Felix expressing contentment at the robust turnout, exceeding 1400 participants. He urged PRI leaders and SHGs to capitalize on available benefits and emphasized the crucial aspect of prompt loan repayments.
Secretary Panchayati Raj & Rural Development, Amarnath Talwade, lauded the active involvement of villagers and SHGs, assuring unwavering support for their journey towards self-reliance. While recognizing areas for departmental refinement, Secretary Talwade stressed the need for collective efforts to enhance the efficacy of various schemes.
The event showcased presentations by Director – PR Tamune Miso, Director-Rural Development Kego Jilen, and COO – ArSRLM-Jechonia Islary. Distinguished attendees included Joint Director-PR Likha Sampu, DC-Kurung Kumey Ibom Tao, Superintendent of Police- Bomken Basar, and others who gathered to witness this pivotal moment in Nyapin Constituency’s progress.