Embarking on a transformative journey, recent forestry graduates from three different colleges across the country have commenced a three-month Internship Training course at the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests office conference hall. The program, organized by the State Forest Research Institute under the Development of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change, was inaugurated by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Head of Forests Force, Jitendra Kumar, IFS.
Attended by key figures in the forestry domain, including PCCF (A&V), Addl. PCCF, CCF, Director, SFRI, and several senior Forest Officers, the ceremony set the tone for an immersive and educational experience.
Jitendra Kumar, IFS, encouraged the graduates to excel in their forestry education, highlighting the abundant employment opportunities within the field. The Senior Scientist and Course Director, R. K. Taj, emphasized the program’s national-level standards, covering a diverse range of forestry-related subjects with insights from experts such as Senior Indian Forest Service (IFS) Officers, specialists from ZSI, BSI, G.B. Pant, NEIST-CSIR, SFRI, and Mountaineering.
H.B. Abo, IFS Director, SFRI, and Ankit Kumar, IFS, DFO Silviculture, also shared their perspectives during the event, underscoring the significance of the internship program in preparing graduates for the challenges and opportunities in the dynamic field of forestry.
As these aspiring foresters delve into this enriching training, the internship promises to be a pivotal step in their journey, equipping them with the knowledge and practical skills needed for a successful career in forestry. This initiative aligns with the broader goal of fostering sustainable development and conservation of our natural resources.