Itanagar Police, led by Rohit Rajbir Singh IPS, SP Itanagar, and Kengo Dirchi SDPO Itanagar, conducted an intensive patrolling operation on the night of 06/12/23. The operation resulted in the arrest of 10 individuals, split between 5 found suspiciously loitering near Rajbhawan and the Secretary to the Governor’s Bungalow and another 5 caught consuming alcohol near Gate no. 1, 2, and the Rajbhawan Helipad.
The arrests were made to investigate their motives in sensitive zones during unconventional hours. A subsequent medical examination was carried out, and law enforcement seized an Alto car and a motor from the vicinity. The preventive arrestees, including individuals like Sujan Sarkar, Sanju Biswas, Santosh Biswas, Sonu Barman, and Arun Kumar Chetry, were presented before the magistrate.
Upon further inquiry, it was revealed that the individuals were regular nocturnal visitors to the area, engaging in alcohol consumption. Following the necessary procedures, all 10 arrestees were released on bond under the provisions of U/S 151 and U/S 107 CrPC after being produced before the executive magistrate.