Dibang Valley, October 26 – A dedicated team of police officers, led by the esteemed Vijay Kumar, IPS, DIGP/ICR, recently embarked on a challenging expedition to the fabled 7 Lakes of Dibang Valley. This remarkable journey spanned six days through the untamed jungles and steep mountain terrain, where elevations ranged from 9,000 to 14,500 feet above sea level.
The expedition, which commenced on October 12, 2023, from Emuli Village, was initiated as part of the Raising Day celebrations and held special significance in alignment with the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s directive to visit border areas and villages. The group included distinguished SPs such as John Pada (SP F&ES), Bomken Basar (SP Kurung Kumey), Rike Kamsi (SP Anjaw), and Ringu Ngupok (SP Dibang Valley), along with the SDRF and Local Police.
The mission had a multifaceted objective, combining elements of security, area domination, border patrolling, and an invigorating impetus on Adventure Tourism, as advocated by the Police Department. This extraordinary trek, accomplished under sheer physical strength, unwavering effort, and fitness, instilled a renewed sense of security in the hearts of border dwellers, while also offering a memorable and adventurous experience.
The entire team, under the watchful eye of DIGP/ICR Vijay Kumar, ventured through uncharted territory, overcoming challenges, and reiterating the indomitable spirit of the police force. Their triumphant return is a testament to their unwavering commitment to duty and the pursuit of adventure in the pristine, untouched landscapes of the Dibang Valley.