ITANAGAR, The All Kra Daadi district students union (AKDDSU) on Friday has announced its 2nd phase of democratic movement in the entire Kra Daadi district to press their charter of demand to the state government.
The AKDDSU General Secretary Miching Anil in a press conference held here at Arunachal Press club (APC) said that the students union has been pursuing the genuine charter of demand to the state government in the greater interest of the education sector for the district which has been facing for several years. The education scenario in the district is very low in compare to other district and all these are due to no proper planning of the education department and lack of teaching faculty and subject teachers in several secondary and Higher secondary school in the distract. He said.
Several representation and memorandum has been submitted to authority concern right from the district authority to the state government but hardly the demands has been fulfilled except few guest teachers has been managed after the 12 hours bandh call. He said. we are going forward with 2nd phase of district bandh on December 9 to press our charter of demand which include posting of sufficed teacher and relievers, one time funding for the infrastructure development of district headquarter at Palin, immediate advertisement of 18 post of MTS for Kra Daadi district, establishment of multipurpose educational counseling centre with lodging facility and full pledge fire station for distruict headquarter. He added.
AKDDSU Vice President Takam Chacha said that we are not only pursuing our demands with the department authority concern but also with the leaders which include the Home Minister and others but our demand remain same hardly anyone bother for the development of education sector or else out district is not been taken care on priority basis which shows from the posting of teachers in the district and education scenario of the district remain in low. He said. we are ready to provide land for establishment of fire station which is most important as we have lost precious life of school children’s few year back and we not want such incident is repeated in future so the state government without delay should provide the schema for the establishment of full pledge fire station at Palin. He said.
The charter of demand which include immediate issue of gazette notification for future use of Infrastructure created at Jamin etc.
All essential services are exempted from the purview of the 24 hour bandh which will be enforced from 5 AM of December 9 to 5 AM to December 10. The AKDDSU said.