ITANAGAR, AUG 28 : The Arunachal Pradesh state government has announced an increase of 11 % Dearness Allowance (DA) to its employees. This was announced by Chief Minister Pema Khandu in the 2nd sitting of 7th session of 7th assembly on Saturday.
The increase in DA of 11% has been done in accordance with the central government and we have also considered our employees to be benefited. Khandu added.
It is to mention that it would have incurred an additional burden of around 219.74 Crore with around 27.40 crore monthly to the state exchequer. There are around 68,000 (Sixty eight thousand) government regular employees and others while there are also around 29,000 (twenty nine thousand) state government pensioners and IAS Officers who are deputed to state who would be benefited.
As per information, the employees will get this benefit from 1st July 2021.